Duke Duke Go

In 'Duke Duke Go', team up to uncover 19th-century Luxembourg. Navigate landmarks, solve trivia, and earn points to top the ducal scoreboard.
Duke Duke Go

Duke Duke Go was developed in a team of 4 during the BTS Power Week of 2020. The goal was to develop an escape room style game with the theme of Luxembourg City in the 19th Century.

We were assisted by people from the tourism and History department of the City of Luxembourg as well as a History teacher from the Lycée des Arts et Métiers.

The goal of the game is to find Landmarks from the 19th Century scattered through Luxembourg City and use the information given on panels or through the environment to solve trivia questions. Answering these questions correctly would award you with popularity points which allow you to compete against other historical grand dukes on the score board.

Technologies Utilised:

Xamarin Forms, QR Code Scanner

Developed By:

Louis Campbell (Project Lead and Programming)

Hermann Fuchs (Art Direction)

Esther Haller (Programming and Writing)

Nicolas Theisen (Research and Writing),